Here at New York Commercial Division Practice, we make a point of highlighting the advantages of practicing in the Commercial Division. For example, in Have Commercial Dispute, Will Travel (to New York) | New York Commercial Division Practice, we discussed the reasons why practitioners and their clients are (or should be) willing to travel to New York from out of state (or even internationally) to have their commercial disputes resolved. Similarly, in Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts, 5th Edition, Chapter 39, “Practice Before the Commercial Division”: A Review | New York Commercial Division Practice, we provided a detailed analysis of the practices and procedures of the Commercial Division as a choice-worthy venue for litigation. Among other things, the Commercial Division’s status as one of the premier venues for complex business litigation also has the welcome consequence of being a major driver of New York’s economic growth.
That’s the message of a recent article titled “NYSBA Works To Bring Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Legal Fees to N.Y.,” in which NYSBA President Domenick Napoletano discusses the collaborative efforts of the NYSBA and the Commercial Division Advisory Council to attract commercial litigation to New York. Continue Reading The NYSBA’s Efforts to Boost Legal Revenue and Business in New York