Commercial transactions often involve parties from different states. When a dispute arises between diverse parties, the question of whether a party can obtain personal jurisdiction over a defendant becomes critical. This issue becomes even more apparent when the defendant is a foreign corporation that conducts business across the world. In a recent decision from the
“I’ve Been Hacked!” (OK, But Have You Been Damaged?)
By Farrell Fritz P.C. on
A critical inquiry to be considered at the outset of any litigation is whether the party seeking relief is, in fact, a proper party to seek the court’s adjudication of the dispute. This concept is known as “standing,” which is a threshold determination to be made by the court, the absence of which warrants dismissal…
Beneficiary To A Trust Lacks Standing To Collect Unpaid Debt
By Farrell Fritz P.C. on
The poet, Robert W. Service once wrote that “a promise made is a debt unpaid.” The question that remains is: Who gets to collect on that unpaid debt?
The issue of standing to collect on a debt owed to a beneficiary of a trust recently arose in Zachariou v Manios where plaintiff (a resident of