“Relevant statements made in judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings are afforded absolute protection so that those discharging a public function may speak freely to zealously represent their clients without fear of reprisal or financial hazard.”

Professionals, including attorneys, and individuals may find themselves subject to a defamation lawsuit. Attorneys, however, may sometimes rely on absolute or

The line between aggressive business competition and unlawful conduct can sometimes be difficult to determine. Many different theories of tort liability have developed over the years to address the variations of unlawful conduct and competitive practices that are frequently presented to the courts. A recent decision in the case Caldera Holdings Ltd., et al. v.

Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs,” said Malcom Forbes.  An industry that generates over $13 billion annually, diamonds are considered one of the world’s major natural resources.  Critical to the integrity of the market are reports or certificates that grade the quality of the stones