One of the ongoing goals of the New York State Office of Court Administration (“OCA”) is to periodically update and refine the jurisdictional criteria for the Commercial Division to ensure that it exclusively handles complex commercial matters. As part of this effort, OCA has proposed an important change aimed at establishing a monetary threshold for cases seeking equitable or declaratory relief.
Currently, a case that is presumptively considered “commercial” and seeks equitable or declaratory relief is not required to meet any monetary threshold. However, on September 20, 2024, the OCA issued a Request for Public Comment on a proposal to amend 22 NYCRR § 202.70 (a) and (b), based on recommendations from the Commercial Division Advisory Council (“CDAC”). These proposed amendments would introduce a monetary threshold specifically for cases seeking equitable or declaratory relief within the Commercial Division. While the change may seem small, its implications for practitioners and litigants would be substantial.Continue Reading The Commercial Division Proposes a Monetary Threshold for Equitable and Declaratory Relief: Implications and Insights